You Ask, We Answer
With Open Communication as one of our guiding principles during the negotiation, we’re providing this convenient and accessible tool for employees to ask questions directly to the negotiation team. Submit your question below, and we will do our best to respond to questions relevant to the negotiations and proposals within 3 business days. Similar questions may be grouped together or lightly edited for clarity when responses are posted.
There are four Butler contracts with SEIU 1199 which include Professional/RN, Clerical, Mental Health Workers/Technical, and Housekeeping/Dietary. All four contracts expire on March 31, 2025.
Negotiations will begin in February 2025, with specific dates to soon be finalized.
All Questions
Hiring, Transfers, and Promotions
What educational opportunities and career advancement opportunities are being proposed?
Butler currently provides a number of educational and career development programs that have been created in collaboration with team members. These include on-site certification classes and programs through local colleges. Tuition assistance is also availabe for individuals interested in pursuing a degree program. We’ve developed programs to train staff in non-clinical roles to transition to clinical jobs, as well as a robust Graduate Nurse program that supports MHWs transition to RNs. We’re unable to discuss specific training issues before negotiations begin, but once proposals are put on the table, we look forward to sharing them with you.
Why can't Butler Hospital retain staff to work the inpatient units?
The healthcare industry as a whole is experiencing higher turnover than in past years, and Butler is no exception.
Available industry data suggests that in fiscal year 2024 (FY24), RN turnover rates were over 18%, and CNA & Patient Care Technician turnover exceeded 32%. While turnover rates at Butler are much lower, roughly 11% for RNs and approximately 18% for MHWs in FY24, this remains a top priority for the Hospital and we hope to reach an agreement that enhances both recruitment and retention, as we believe we are an employer of choice.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to pay 1199 members more, instead of offering a $10,000 sign on bonus to a new employee who will leave once they collect it?
The healthcare industry as a whole is experiencing higher turnover than in past years, and Butler is no exception.
Our goal is to attract and retain high-quality staff in a competitive job market. Sign-on bonuses are a targeted tool to address position vacancies in hard-to-fill roles. However, we also recognize the importance of long-term retention, which is why we offer a competitive total rewards package that includes wages, benefits, and professional growth opportunities. We look forward to reaching an agreement that further supports long-term staff retention and enhances our ability to sustain a stable and experienced workforce.
How are you going to commit to the safety of your staff? There has been a significant increase in patient on staff assaults. What is the action plan to address this issue? Are you going to improve staffing ratios and listen to staff working directly with patients?
Providing for a safe working environment is a priority for Butler Hospital. There are a number of forums where front line staff and hospital leadership collaborate to de-brief critical incidents, identify best practices, and teach our new staff. These include the Heath & Safety Committee, The Nurse Quality Council, the Safe Patient Handling Committee, the De-Escalation Training Committee, among others. The Hospital also works closely with the Providence Police Department, who have recently relocated a Police Substation on campus. We continue to evaluate our policies and procedures in cooperation with staff to ensure we’re doing everything possible to maximize safety for staff and patients.
Do you prioritize proper staffing, safety, or fair wages, or is your priority the amount of money the hospital brings in for each patient?
Revenue and financial stability are essential to our ability to fulfill our mission. However, while inpatient revenue is one part of the overall financial picture, our treatment decision are always based on what is best for each patient. The work of the hospital is to provide access to behavioral healthcare to the patients we serve, whether that is inpatient or outpatient. We strive to provide the right care at the right time.
A member brought significant safety issues to leadership's attention regarding R2, they were told to "work now, grieve later", is that the normal process for addressing safety?
The safety of patients and staff is of utmost importance. We acknowledge and respect the importance of the grievance process, which prioritizes safe patient care in the moment and then allows us to perform a thorough, documented, and complete analysis of the situation in order to ensure the issue is handled in an appropriate manner.
Why can’t unit directors determine whether their unit needs acuity or extra 1:1 staff. Why does it go through the CNO who hasn’t assessed the patient?
The assignment of additional staff for acuity-based needs or 1:1 observation is a clinical determination made by the interdisciplinary treatment team. As with all complex treatment planning, including cases requiring higher levels of observation, input and collaboration from senior and executive clinical leadership are integral to ensuring the highest standards of patient care. Their direct engagement in clinical decision-making reinforces our commitment to patient safety, quality, and operational excellence.
Will you commit to transparency here on this page and make every single submitted question visible to all?
Questions pertinent to negotiations and/or proposals will be answered within 3 business days. Similar or closely related questions may be grouped together or combined to provide a single answer. The wording of some questions may be lightly edited for clarity when responses are posted.
How much did this website cost? Or is it part of an anti-union package you bought?
An easily accessible website is one of the most cost-effective and convenient ways to distribute and organize the large amounts of information involved in a contract negotiation. It provides a transparent way for all employees to see the full proposals, ask questions, and stay up-to-date and informed. Open communication and access to information is key to a collaborative process, which we look forward to engaging in with SEIU1199.
What did the hospital spend all that ARPA money on?
During the pandemic, the hospital used ARPA funds to pay for the increased cost of operations during that time. Those funds enabled us to continue to staff the hospital and allowed us to provide overtime pay and, in some cases, premium pay in order to continue to take care of our patients.
Why is the percentage of the raise executive management received last year included in the “other” column of their wages?
Butler files its tax documentation in compliance with applicable tax laws and accounting standards, ensuring that all compensation is reported in accordance with IRS guidelines. This may require that certain forms of compensation are reflected in an ‘Other’ column.
Why is it that when a nurse manager gets assaulted, the cops are called and patient gets arrested but when an mhw is assaulted, no one bats an eye?
As we’re sure our team members understand, we’re unable to speak to specific situations out of respect for patient privacy. However, we take the safety of ALL team members seriously, and nobody should ever feel that being assaulted is an acceptable part of their job. As explained in a previous response, we continuously evaluate our policies and procedures in cooperation with staff to ensure we’re doing everything possible to maximize safety for staff and patients.
Why haven’t you answered anymore questions? I imagine it takes time to “lightly edit” what is coming through right?
We make every attempt to upload new answers at least once a day, Monday-Friday, and within 3 business days of when the question was submitted. If a similar question to yours has already been answered, we do not repeat it if there is no additional insight we can provide. We also are not able to respond to questions that aren’t related to the negotiations or proposals. If new answers aren’t showing up when you visit the page, try using the “Refresh page” button on your browser.
When does the current contract expire?
There are four Butler contracts with SEIU 1199 which include Professional/RN, Clerical, Mental Health Workers/Technical, and Housekeeping/Dietary. All four contracts expire on March 31, 2025.
When will contract negotiations begin?
Negotiations will begin in February 2025, with specific dates to soon be finalized.
Can you provide examples as to how the hospital plans to offer fair negotiations during this contract renewal?
Butler is committed to fair and transparent negotiations through open communication and mutual dignity and respect. Proposals are developed to provide the best total value for the employee while ensuring alignment with industry standards and sustainability for the Hospital. Butler will provide regular informational updates and maintain a dedicated website on which proposals will be presented in their entirety. Ultimately, the Hospital is prioritizing collaborative dialogue to reach a fair contract that will support staff, patients, and the Hospital.
How much are you planning to pay replacement workers in the event of a labor action? Room and board included? Meal stipend?
Butler will negotiate in good faith and our hope is that a work action doesn’t come to fruition. However, we have an obligation to ensure safe, high quality, continuous patient care. Because potential replacement employees are filling an urgent need, they earn a premium for their services. Our preference is always to spend our financial resources on our employees rather than to outside agencies.
Why have you only committed to 4 meetings so far when the contract expires 3 weeks?
The scheduling of collective bargaining negotiations is a collaborative process between the Hospital and union. The parties proposed additional meetings but they were unfortunately not mutually convenient. The parties will meet from 10:00am – 4:00pm on three of the first four scheduled sessions, which is distinct from prior rounds of negotiations where the parties met for briefer periods. Butler looks forward to continued collaboration with SEIU1199 on this issue.
It seems the purpose of this website is ambiguity and to create a divide. How can I believe it to be clear, honest information? The questions are being filtered and reworded. The answers being posted here are diplomatic and noncommittal. How do you plan to demonstrate open and honest communication?
The purpose of this website is to provide context and supporting information to the work that happens in the negotiating sessions. We believe it is important to share information about negotiations with all Butler employees. Because of this, we can’t comment on topics unrelated to negotiations and/or proposals, and we can’t comment on specific aspects of potential proposals that have not been discussed at the negotiating table. We will keep the website updated with copies of proposals and other information about bargaining as negotiations proceed.
Do delegates get paid for going to negotiations? Will the hospital commit to proving shift coverage for union delegates to negotiate with management?
Union delegates are not paid by Butler for bargaining on behalf of the union. Acting as a union delegate is a voluntary choice made by an employee and is not part responsibility of the role for which they are hired. We have proposed several scheduling and time off options that allow delegates to adjust their schedules in a manner that ensures sufficient staff necessary to meet patient care needs.
What will Butler be offering for raises these negotiations? Will it coincide with inflation & what other companies pay their employees?
Butler is committed to providing a competitive total rewards package that enables us to retain and recruit the best professionals and rewards the important work of our team members. We’re unable to discuss specifics before negotiations begin, but once economic proposals are put on the table, we look forward to sharing them with you.
Our current health insurance/HSA plan is excellent. It seems there is discussion on altering or removing this plan. What is management’s intention regarding healthcare?
Thank you for your feedback on the current health benefits plan. We’re proud to provide a total rewards package that our team members value, and which enables us to retain and recruit the best professionals. We’re not yet able to discuss specifics of health benefit plans since those haven’t been discussed in these negotiations, but we look forward to sharing them with you here on the website when the time comes.